Social and Economic Reconstruction of the European Union

Social and Economic Reconstruction of the European Union Dimensions : Toward Bottom-Up and Top-Down Institutional Reconstruction of the European Union – more inclusive, more sustainable and more pluralistic EU, Založba FDV, Marec 2020

The purpose of this monograph is to show that there is a path beyond the pessimistic,
shallow, fragmentary EU on one hand and a path beyond centralized, technocratic
one-size-fits all EU on the other hand.

    Matjaž Nahtigal

    Kako razumeti obstoječi zgodovinski trenutek skozi prizmo posameznika v procesih evropeizacije in globalizacije, kakšna je vloga in možnost posameznika, kakšna je progresivna drža in progresivna misel v prvi polovici 21. stoletja.


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